Never stop exploring and growing

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My mind is exploding with ideas for 2022. I hope all of you are setting up projects and goals for this year too.

2021 was a year of unexpected…. Covid changed all of our plans in some way and couldn’t be avoided. I was in the middle of year 3 and 4 of a 5 year grant with the Wyoming EPSCoR and National Science Foundation that focuses on microbes in the air, soil and water focusing on Wyoming. As an artist, I am on the outreach arm of this grant and know nothing about the science of microbes but was expired with the images I saw of the shapes and movements of microbes. Using the art techniques I’m familiar with, it has been fun using glass, microscopes and a camera to simulate the microbes in a microscope view.

One of the most exciting and unexpected results of the Covid pandemic was the availability of the Kits I created for Science Loves Art (SLA), a nonprofit finally official in 2018.. Pulling in SLA into the current microbe project was perfect for distributing art and science projects to rural and isolated communities. I was already creating these Kits before Covid hit because much of Wyoming is already rural and isolated!

In 2021 I designed more science inspired art kits for Science Loves Art for distribution to communities and nonprofits but also as a fundraising tool for Science Loves Art we began selling more Kits to the world on Etsy and online.

Now…. 2022…. is going to be a year of balance within my life and also my art! In spring 2022, I’m creating an exhibit focusing on the soils, water, plants and air from our Wyoming EPSCoR project using the samples taken from over 400 sites across the state by our science team. This is what I love to do… create artwork from nature with science inspiration. I am also setting aside time to my own interests (architecture, concrete and natural materials in art) and continued to use the studio to help artists show their work on our website and in the studio (4th Street Studios).

Our exhibit team of science and outreach on this EPSCoR grant will be putting together details of the exhibit will run March 26 to May 26, 2022 at the University of Wyoming Berry Center.

In the meantime, Science Loves Art has volunteers and employees to help get art kits mailed and delivered to the corners of Wyoming and beyond. Having help with the growing tasks of SLA will finally allow me the time to create my own sculpture, metalsmith projects and focus on the greenhouse and garden through 4th Street Studios.

Follow along with this adventure and share your goals too! My video blogs are through 4th Street Studios and Science Loves Art primarily, so keep up with everything through our websites and social media. / / FB Science Loves Art / @4thStreetStudios / FB 4th Street Studios

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